Friday, February 26, 2010

The Science of Getting Rich

Since I first came upon this web site and checked to see what it was about. I thought what a unique and wonderful site. The following text was taken off the web site as she explains her site the best.

Right off one of the funny things that came to me was that many times I find myself being what might be called a little uppity in that we have the computer were we can find an answer to all most any thing. Plus I believe that we are better educated than our fore fathers. Well that may be true in a lot of instances. Then some things happen and you come across the wonderful little book from James Allens, As A Man Thinketh. Which was published in 1902 and then the book titled The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D.Wattles which was published in 1910. One of the amazing things about this is that a lot of the books that are being published now and are charging a large sum for basically say the same thing, that our world is in our thoughts. Stranger yet is that both these books can be had for free from many different places on the inter net.

The following paragraphs are from Rebecca Fines opening page in her web site.
Challenge your thinking. Change your life. In the spring of 1998, a man I'd never met sent me a book I'd never heard of, written long ago by a man who's now been dead nearly 90 years.

That little book changed my entire life. As I put into practice the principles you'll learn about in this book, the results were astonishing — and they began almost instantly and continue to this day.

Hello! I'm Rebecca Fine, and I am so pleased to introduce you to this exciting forgotten classic!

When The Science of Getting Rich arrived in the mail that afternoon I immediately ripped open the package, sat down, and read it with an open mind — mostly because the title was just so intriguing. And even though I must admit I found some of the old-fashioned language and some of the ideas in the first part a bit confusing, there was something about it that compelled me to reread those little confusing bits two or three times until ... I got it!

Once I'd done that, I couldn't stop reading until I'd read the whole thing!

Everything changed. Right away I began to put into practice what the book outlines ... and everything began to change. "Coincidences" happened — happy ones that led to connections with people ... that led to more connections ... that led to money beginning to flow toward me in increasingly larger amounts and from several sources, including new and unexpected ones.

And even though changing your habitual thinking is difficult and I'm still not as good at it as I intend to be, my businesses began to "click," my income doubled, then tripled, and continues to rise ... my cramped city apartment gave way to a spacious and peaceful waterfront home ... I've established rewarding new relationships with many generous, successful, wealthy people ... and opportunities to be, do, have, and give more continue to show up at my doorstep almost daily.

It's amazing — and wonderful!

Rebecca Fine will amaze you with how she markets her program she really has practiced what she preaches and I for one say hoorah for Rebecca Fine. If you click on the link below you can go to her web site. Do try to Live a no limits life. Subscribe to The Certain Way™ get your free ebook other gifts!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brain power

This blog is not necessarily about motivational or motivational tips. This is a web site about you and your brain power which of course, will certainly include motivation. This site has so much to offer that you simply have to go and check it out.

Most of us have been told all our life that we don't use but a very small percentage of our minds, I don't know weather that is true or not . I have also read that we learn approximately 75% of every thing we know before the age of five. Again I don't know if that is true or not.

What I do know is that from time to time a thought will come to me that I have no idea where they came from, that being said does leave a lot questions unanswered. This web site does seem to have a lot of articles and different things to help us increase our brain power, some even include playing games.

As I go through the web site there is definitely courses that I find interesting and plan on ordering some of them. There were a few of the books mentioned that I have read and really learned a lot from.

One of the things I have heard a lot about lately is brain wave entrainment. I have purchased some recordings and although I find it hard to say for sure that it does or doesn't work, but I do know some things have changed in my thoughts and since that is the only thing I'm doing right now I will have to say that they do help. One of the programs that I have been listening is titled maximum motivation and I have definitely been getting more done in a day so I assume that program is working for me.

There are many wonderful books that say, what you think about you bring about. As you think so you are. Garbage in garbage out. These particular sayings I do truly believe in, when it comes right down to it our thoughts do totally control our life and emotions. Plus this web site does have several free give a ways. You can check out their site by clicking the link below. Have a great no limit life.

Click Here!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Motivation's Keys to Success!

If you are here on this site, that promotes motivational tips and motivational products, some thing is not quite working in your life. At least that is the reason that I would find myself looking at new motivational products. That being said I have since then realized why at times I would lay down a perfectly good program and go in search of a new program, I either didn't,t think it was working or it wasn't working fast enough.

I now wonder weather or not, if I would have worked a little harder or gave the program on the shelf a little more time that it might have taken care of all my motivational needs. Oh we are so smart in hind sight. That being said I think this motivational program could possible be your salvation with the motivational information you need.

I have to leave it to you to decide. These are some of the issues that the program addresses.

Motivation; Success Has Never Been This Easy To Grab!

There are numerous books available to buy on how to succeed and how to obtain both wealth and happiness, however with "The Ultimate Success Plan" the difference is simple.I explain everything you need to know in one simple, awesome and easy to implement plan. I will show you, step-by-step, how to obtain the correct mindset. These methods are used by the most successful business people, worldwide. You will discover how to find out exactly what you want out of life, what you are capable of, and how to get it. I will teach you how to communicate and how to read other peoples communication signals. (Not just through speech). I will teach you how you are going to boost your Self Esteem. How you will release you Creativity and use it to succeed. You will learn how by simply living in the current moment, will bring great rewards in the future. How using you time constructively will yield fantastic results in both your business and home life. I will show you, step-by-step with a specific action plan, exactly how you are going to succeed.
Everything you have read, all the thoughts you have held and all the words you have repeatedly used have created your life up to now. Every thought has shaped your life and has made you what you are today. At this exact moment, (Now) you are what you have thought through the whole of your life.

Remember, once the action of cause and effect is set in motion, you can not easily change the outcome. You can try, but you will only set another cause and effect in motion. You can only hope that this second action will counteract the first, but there are no guarantees.
We all live in the moment of now. Think about that. If you are thinking about the past, you are thinking it now. If you are thinking about the future, you are thinking it now. Now, is always the present. Therefore, when you are planning your future you are planning it now. The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where you begin to make changes.
This is when you start to learn the hidden secrets to live a better life.

This is just part of the program it does offer more plus it gives away a lot of books with the order . For the price they are charging I believe you are getting a wonderful deal. Click on the link below an see if it can take care of your motivational needs. If you do go to the web site they do offer a free book that is worth the price.

Click here for the Ultimate Success Plan!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

motivational tip

Saturday, February 13, 2010

motivation tip

You want to have your own business but it is hard to get motivated. When you don't have the capitol or the enough knowledge to start and run your own business. Well get yourself motivated because you don't always need a lot of money and knowledge to own a business.

But you will need motivation when you have your own business, for no one will help you when you are are on your own. Oh you might get some help but in the end it is all on your shoulders, you are the one who has to stay motivated and keep going.

There is a company that has not only made it possible for an individual to get into a business with little capital and knowledge, but you can start a business and be a leader.

This company will set you up to be a coach. How can this be possible, well they have put every thing on cd's. There's 8 programs in the package that tells you how to set up a business and how to run it. Then there is 2 more programs for your personal use.

Now all you have to do is get there program follow the instructions and you are on your way. If that can't get you motivated, you may need to get a goal and motivation course first. But don,t worry it isn't that bad. It is a easy to follow program and it will get you motivated.

When you get the programs they are assigned to, you own them and can do what ever you want. Use them or sell them like the company you bought from did, or you can do both use and sell.

If this makes any sense to you click on the link below and take a closer look at the program. Live a no limit life and be happy.
Click Here!

motivation help

How is your life going is it every thing that you wanted, do you have it all. You have tried it all motivation, self help, more motivational tips. Things will go fine for awhile you are motivated happy and life is good but then. Is this the kind of life you have been living.

You can get discouraged, unmotivated and ready to through the towel in. It can and does happen to all people from time to time, but you say you don't know what to do. It don't have to be the end for you. have you ever considered a coach.

There are many ways a coach can help you get you motivated and back on the track or possibly on a new track all together. That can get you motivated and raring to go again. You may be thinking if I can't make it how is a coach going to help me he don't even know me or what I want to do.

This particular web site is not a coaching system as we know it. Although they have put together a program that will create passive income that will not only motivate you but has the ability to make you very wealthy with out you working your fingers to the bone.

How would you like to be on a vacation and still creating an income, now that is something that can motivate me. This program can show you what to do and how to do it. It is affiliate marketing. The program will tell you where to get affiliates what to do with them and how to make money with them.

If that sounds like something that can get you motivated and keep you motivated, then you may have a tiger by the tail. Check out the web site below and see if it can empower your life. Live a no limit life and be happy and prosperous.

Click Here!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

motivational tips

Zig Zigler on part three of goal on link.

Motivational help

What a terrific web site. It is filled with motivational tips and motivational products that should keep us motivated for a life time. Plus it offers a free weekly ezone. free books, free videos and so much more but you can go to their web site for the rest of the details and of course while there sign up for the ezine and get yourself some free books.

It seams that so many of us just sort of mumble and stumble through life. I know I sure did, not knowing what I really wanted to do. It is near impossible to get motivated or stay motivated about life when we as a rule have been brain washed through out our life by our parents and peers, the terrible part was that they didn't do it on purpose but because they didn't know any better either.

The things that Trans4mind resources has to offer is information and sources,on how to change your life in all the major areas, and the motivational know how, to do it right. They offer information on how to know yourself, on making your life a success, at least in your opinion, and on relationships how to create them and then how to make them stronger and more rewarding.

These are some of the major areas in our lives that I seem to always be working on and constantly keeping myself motivated in. With great information on the whys and why not's, it is a lot easier to pick a path to travel on, and stay motivated on, until our desired results have been reached.

If you feel a little lost from time to time and need a little more motivation, do check out this web site. You can get there by clicking on the web site below. It can certainly help you live a no limit life that we were created for.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

motivation tip

Today I think I will offer you what could possibly the best motivational tip that you could ever get. Boy if you have gotten on some mailing lists did that comment ever sound familiar. Now if you have read any of the other blogs you will know what I think about affirmations and the good that they will do for you.

As mentioned before I have made myself a cassette tape with affirmations on it about motivation and other things that I am working on in my life. The tape in my own words definitely helps me get and stay motivated each day and I feel it in my attitude and energy, if I don't listen to it every day, as strange as that sounds.

This program has gone farther than the cassette tape they show you how to make a subliminal tape with your motivational and other affirmations on it. They also have added the binaural beats to it, which should help to put you in a better receptive mood. It should make it super charged affirmations how great will that be we should so motivated that we will possible get twice as much done and have a better attitude at the end of the day.

For me when I'm motivated and have a good day, with a lot of accomplishments I always feel better. When you feel good it effects every one around you or that you come in contact with. How could it get much better you are motivated and accomplish more you are in a good mood so every one around you feels better is more motivated and every one should win.

Although I have mentioned mainly motivation, it will work on many other things. Any thing you desire an continually repeat in an affirmation and set a goal for you will definitely can accomplish. It seams that if you are listen to it over and over and in your voice even though you can't audible hear it. Your recording with the binaural beats which helps put you in a more relaxed and receptive mood, you should then be able to accomplish what you are after faster and easier.

For me its what ever it takes to get and motivated for what ever reason. Some the thing that we can get to help us be all we can be is simply amazing. But we won't find them unless we go looking for them and it seems like when we start looking every day something new comes out. Good luck on your quest whatever it may be. May you live a no a limit life. The link below will take you to Subliminal message.

motivational tips

Motivation when do you need it and why. You don't need motivation unless you have something that you want. When you want something and set a goal, that is when you will need motivation, for when you get started toward your goal, their will always seems to be something that comes up that will slow you down and put the goal in jeopardy. At that time you need some thing to get you motivated and back on the path to success.

There may be a better way,what if you could get a program that might be able to save you some of the bumps in the road. Some of the things you need to accomplish are well defined goals, a plan for there achievement and the end result that you want.

Mind movies may just be the program that can help you get motivated and stay motivated.This program helps you put every thing together in a movie about what you want to have happen when your goal or your project is completed. You make this movie with pictures and affirmations and watch it in the morning and again in the evening it is usually ony about 2 or 3 minutes long so it is easy to get your self motivated in the morning and good positive things for you to sleep on by watching it in the evening.

The movie is rather fun and exciting to make. Watching it really does have a way to make you feel good and sure keeps you motivated. It plays in such a way that eventually you begin to believe that it has already happened which most motivational speakers say you have to believe it to see it, that being the case you just have a matter of time till it's yours.

So in closing you might want to take a look at this program and see if it can help you. In my opinion it's price is very small in comparison to what it can do for you. May all dreams come true and may you live a no limit life. You can click on the site below to go to the web page. href="Click'>">Clickhere