I don't believe that I have to tell you all about motivation, for if you weren't motivated, you wouldn't even be reading this blog. I read the book "Think and grow rich" several years ago. It was one of the greatest books that I had ever read. At the time I read it I believed that you went to school, and when you got out, you went out and found a job and worked at that job or another like it in the same profession for the rest of your life. After reading the book I realized that my real education had not even begun.
Just recently I was talking to the person who had recommended the book to me and I was thanking him for telling me about the book and what it did for me and my life. I was amazed at what he said back to me. He said," you got all from the book? I didn't get that at all." I learned so much from the book "Think and grow rich" and I probably could have lived the rest of my life without reading another book.
I still read alot of books on motivation and sometimes when you need it the most you will be reading something and it will have the right thing, only said in a different way, that it will make absolute sense and be the exact thing you need to hear at the time.
Here's a few things that I have learned in regards to motivating and helping me achieve my goals. You more than likely have heard them but maybe they will just be a reminder for you at the right time.
When I feel I am not accomplishing anything or feeling very motivated. I will take my major goal, reread it, rearrange it and make sure it is updated. I will sometimes rewrite it, making it clearer to read and understand in my mind. Plus,I will try to put more emotion or energy into it. Then I will break it down into steps on what I need to do to reach the goal, this will usually get me excited and motivated again.
I will then make a to-do list with small steps that I need to do every day to reach the goal. It always amazes me that when I only do one small thing a day, it is like the proverbial snowball rolling down a hill. In the end it is rolling faster and getting bigger than you ever thought possible. It always seems to surpass the original goal I had made. When looking back, it was always easier than I ever thought possible and I had fun doing it because I felt some accomplishment at the end of every day along the way.
I love affirmations, for motivation, there are always times when we get in the dumps and sit in our pitty potty. We can't let this last--we must get ourselves out of that mindset as quickly as possible. One of the best ways that I have found for me to do that is with affirmations. I will make a list of affirmations that I like and that excite, motivate, and make me feel good about myself. I write the affirmation out by saying "I (say my name) love myself", or whatever you want to, and then keep making more, doing the same thing, "I(my name)" and another affirmation until I have at least 20, although the number of affirmations you have is up to you.
I then put them on a 30-minute cassette tape, repeating over and over until I have both sides full. I usually use two tape recorders so I only have to tape myself once, then just play it and record it to the other tape player until you have the side full and turn it over and fill the other side. I leave it in my work vehicle so whenever I go somewhere it plays and reinforces me and my beliefs about myself that I feel are important to me helps keep me motivated at the same time.
So many times things will come up and without even thinking, one of the affirmations will come to mind. It will allow me to make the right decision at that particular time. From time to time as my life changes and I accomplish some of my goals I will have to edit the tape and change some of the affirmations, but some of the of the affirmations I will probably never change, as they keep my thoughts and motivation where I want it to be.
But all in all, listening to the tape sure does help me. If I go a day or two with out going anyplace I really miss the recorded self talk. These are some of the things I use to help me stay motivated and it really helps me keep a better frame of mind throughout the day. To me the spoken word somehow has more meaning to me than just talking to myself in my head, even if it is my own voice saying it. To your great success try to live a no-limit life, but most of all, do it while filled with love and happiness.
White Dove Motivational Books
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