Right off one of the funny things that came to me was that many times I find myself being what might be called a little uppity in that we have the computer were we can find an answer to all most any thing. Plus I believe that we are better educated than our fore fathers. Well that may be true in a lot of instances. Then some things happen and you come across the wonderful little book from James Allens, As A Man Thinketh. Which was published in 1902 and then the book titled The Science of Getting Rich
The following paragraphs are from Rebecca Fines opening page in her web site.
Challenge your thinking. Change your life. In the spring of 1998, a man I'd never met sent me a book I'd never heard of, written long ago by a man who's now been dead nearly 90 years.
That little book changed my entire life. As I put into practice the principles you'll learn about in this book, the results were astonishing — and they began almost instantly and continue to this day.
Hello! I'm Rebecca Fine, and I am so pleased to introduce you to this exciting forgotten classic!
When The Science of Getting Rich arrived in the mail that afternoon I immediately ripped open the package, sat down, and read it with an open mind — mostly because the title was just so intriguing. And even though I must admit I found some of the old-fashioned language and some of the ideas in the first part a bit confusing, there was something about it that compelled me to reread those little confusing bits two or three times until ... I got it!
Once I'd done that, I couldn't stop reading until I'd read the whole thing!
Everything changed. Right away I began to put into practice what the book outlines ... and everything began to change. "Coincidences" happened — happy ones that led to connections with people ... that led to more connections ... that led to money beginning to flow toward me in increasingly larger amounts and from several sources, including new and unexpected ones.
And even though changing your habitual thinking is difficult and I'm still not as good at it as I intend to be, my businesses began to "click," my income doubled, then tripled, and continues to rise ... my cramped city apartment gave way to a spacious and peaceful waterfront home ... I've established rewarding new relationships with many generous, successful, wealthy people ... and opportunities to be, do, have, and give more continue to show up at my doorstep almost daily.
It's amazing — and wonderful!
Rebecca Fine will amaze you with how she markets her program she really has practiced what she preaches and I for one say hoorah for Rebecca Fine. If you click on the link below you can go to her web site. Do try to Live a no limits life. Subscribe to The Certain Way™ get your free ebook other gifts!