Most of us have been told all our life that we don't use but a very small percentage of our minds, I don't know weather that is true or not . I have also read that we learn approximately 75% of every thing we know before the age of five. Again I don't know if that is true or not.
What I do know is that from time to time a thought will come to me that I have no idea where they came from, that being said does leave a lot questions unanswered. This web site does seem to have a lot of articles and different things to help us increase our brain power, some even include playing games.
As I go through the web site there is definitely courses that I find interesting and plan on ordering some of them. There were a few of the books mentioned that I have read and really learned a lot from.
One of the things I have heard a lot about lately is brain wave entrainment. I have purchased some recordings and although I find it hard to say for sure that it does or doesn't work, but I do know some things have changed in my thoughts and since that is the only thing I'm doing right now I will have to say that they do help. One of the programs that I have been listening is titled maximum motivation and I have definitely been getting more done in a day so I assume that program is working for me.
There are many wonderful books that say, what you think about you bring about. As you think so you are. Garbage in garbage out. These particular sayings I do truly believe in, when it comes right down to it our thoughts do totally control our life and emotions. Plus this web site does have several free give a ways. You can check out their site by clicking the link below. Have a great no limit life.
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