At the wonderful age of three before they start school, or leave the land so filled with there magnificent imagination the word motivation or the meaning, would truly be laughable, for every thing is new and exciting. The only time they are bored is when they have to be in one place for a while, and if they are in there car seat they will usually go to sleep, and then they are ready to go when they get out of there present trappings.
So I can't help but wonder what happened to such a wonderful outlook on life,and why when we start out like that, do we later have to work on ourselves, with goals, affirmations and other such things to get ourselves motivated to accomplish anything, or some days we have to have a motivational tip ourselves to even get out of bed.
It seams that possibly it might be because we are told by peers, parents, teachers, and such that we need to get out of our dream world and a life of make believe to join the real world. After we are knocked down a few times and made fun of. We do succumb to joining the real world just so we can be in a position to be loved again instead of being shunned.
Now low and behold we are grown up and out of college and ready to start building a magnificent career. We start out all excited and motivated to find a great position in our chosen profession, with lots of room for advancement. But there seems to be nothing that even comes close to our expectations. You finally end up with a job that is in no way your idea of any thing you expected to be doing after all your dreams, and seventeen years of school. You struggle with going to work every day at a job you don't really enjoy and wonder what happened and what are you going to do with the rest of your life.
If you are lucky you and enjoy reading, or know that there has to be something better, you began searching for it. The best place for you right now would be to find yourself in a library or a book store. As you are looking through books in the business or self help and motivational sections you see something that catches your attention. You do end up buying a book and a audio program the book is on the way to make it big in your chosen profession, and the motivational program offers motivational tips on how you can do it, you are now excited.
You take the book home read it a couple of times, you also have put the motivational tapes in your car so if the car is running you are listening to wonderful inspirational information about living a no limit life, and the motivational tips to help you, get to the place where you able to see and believe it's possible to accomplish. If you take all the information to heart it truly can be overwhelming. But if do the exercises and use the information that is given too you, along with other information you will pick up along the way you will create a world that you truly love, and get a lot of satisfaction out of.
You are now a grand father you have done quite well in your business and are semi retired. You live close to your young grand child, whose parents both work so you are able to baby sit all you want and are even able to take the grand child to work with you when you need to go in. It accrues to you that it is so wonderful to listen to your grandchild and get caught up in their world of make believe. One night as you are sitting in your special place meditating it accustom to you the very thing that you grand child is going through you went through and later were convinced to stop doing it. So you could make it in the real world. Only later to find in the self improvement and motivational material, that you actually had to live in a make believe world to create the world you want to live in. As above, so below. Create your life in your mind and it will appear in your material life.
We are taught in the motivational exercises
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